Extended trailer
3 vehicle
loading length: 17,20 - 62,20m
szer. 2,50m
Semi vehicle with Extendable semi-trailer 2 vehicle loading length: 18,5 m loading width 2,75
Semi vehicle with Extendable semi-trailer 4 vehicle loading length: 20,4 m loading width: 2,75 m
Semi Vehicle with Extendable semi-trailer 2 vehicle loading length: 12,3 - 29,05 m loading width: 2,75 m
Tiffbet Extended trailer 2 vehicle loading length: 7,8 + 5,0 m loading width: 2,75 m
Kesselbrucke a vehicle of extendable semi-trailer 2 vehicle loading length: 6,5 + 4,25 + 6 + 6 = 22,75 m loading width: 2,75 m
Semi-trailer modular - depending on the configuration we have available to 35 axes.
THP + digger modular trailer with a reduced load floor
THP + Bagier THP + digger modular trailer with a reduced load floor
THP Modular trailer
THP + Baggier Modular trailer with a lowered floor load
THP + Kessel Semi-trailer with a reduced load floor
THP + Adapter Semitrailer with adapters for the transport of stator wind power
plant and pipes
Semitrailer with adapters for
the transport of stator wind
power plant and pipes
axle configuration: 4 + 7